Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 14, Columbus, MT to Lovell, WY

I will remember today’s ride as we faced a very stiff headwind. I had also decided that I would ride solo today to meditate. I also wanted to do a nonstop ride from breakfast to lunch, a distance of 57 miles stopping only very briefly for some memorable photos and videos.
As we ride past such roadside memorials, we are reminded of the grim highway fatality statistics. 33,561 people died in a total of 30,800 fatal crashes. Aggressive driving is the cause of these accidents a large majority of the time.
I have now entered the 5th state of the journey, Wyoming
Wyoming is the 10th largest and the least populous of the 50 states.
The town of Cowley was settled by a group of Mormon pioneers called to settle Wyoming's Big Horn Basin.
I enjoyed this stunning sunset in Lovell, WY. Lovell was named for Henry Lovell, a local rancher.

Today, I would like to thank David Becker and the Highway Department of Lewis County, N.Y. for helping to keep the traveling public safe on our roads. Let us make an effort to not drive aggressively ourselves and help spread the word that aggressive driving kills and ruins multiple lives.

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