Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 22, Oacoma, SD to Mitchell, SD

Today was a landmark day on our journey. At lunchtime, we were exactly at the halfway point of our trip.
Sunrise in Oacoma was outstanding. We ride into the blinding sun each morning as we are traveling towards East. We stayed at the Oasis Inn and ate at Al's Oasis. To read more about Al's Oasis, click here.
This is a view of the mighty Missouri River with a statue of a bison in the foreground. To learn more about the mighty bison, click here.
We made short shrift of the 71 miles distance today and rode into Mitchell a little after 1 p.m. After a quick shower and a change of clothes, the four of us, Randy, Janis, Nicole and I walked the 1.9 miles from the Ramada Inn to the Mitchell Corn Palace. Read all about it here and also hereMitchell is the county seat of Davison County, South Dakota.
As I ride through the farm country of South Dakota, I am reminded of our farmers in Lewis County. I offer a special thanks to all of them and invite you to support them. I would also like to put in a plug for Lowville Farmer’s Market. For more information on Lowville Farmer’s Market, click here.

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