Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 30, Madison, WI to Milwaukee, WI

Today I rode 87.64 miles from Madison to Milwaukee, WI. A lot of the riding was on dedicated bicycle paths which made for some stress-free and enjoyable riding. I rode solo until lunch and then hooked up with my riding partners Randy and Janis for the rest of the day. At this stage, riding 80 to 90 miles seems effortless.
I am pictured here with Tania Burke, the president of TrekTravel. Besides being an accomplished business woman, she is also a very strong rider. She accompanied us until lunch and then returned home to Madison. I suggested to her to consider India as a possible Trek Travel Destination.
My ride today took me through Jefferson County in Wisconsin. There is a Watertown in Jefferson County in Wisconsin. 
We got to ride the Hank Aaron State Trail. We passed very close to Miller Park.
What to do when you are in Milwaukee and have a few hours only? Visit the Harley Davidson Museum, of course.
What is a bowling pin doing in the Harley Davidson Museum you ask? Well, AMF owned Harley Davidson between 1969 and 1981. Makes me wonder that if AMF would have been successful in running the business, we in Lowville, NY could have been making motorcycles as well as bowling pins.
The next time I go riding across the country on a set of wheels, it is going to be like this.

Today, I hope for continued development and progress of Lewis County, NY. I am thinking of Eric Virkler, the Director of EconomicDevelopment and Planning of Lewis County who does such a tremendous job of promoting business development.

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