Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 21, Kadoka, SD to Oacoma,SD

Today, I left the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota behind. I pedaled 113.3 miles across the grasslands of South Dakota to reach Oacoma. To read more about Kadoka, click here. To read more about Oacoma, click here. I am also now in Central Standard Time Zone so only one hour behind E.S.T.
It was once again a cold morning start. One can see the warm weather clothing I have on. The temperature continued to rise as the day progressed. Towards the end of the day, it was indeed very pleasant. I am seen here with a huge field of sunflowers behind me.
Pictured here are two of our four Trek Guides. The one with the helmet is Michael Moreland and to his left is Scott Heather. Both of them are fine men and excellent guides. They make it a special point to accommodate my vegetarian belief and always have some healthy protein food for me at our picnic lunches. To learn more about the Trek Guides, click here.
A road sign as I entered Oacoma. We ate dinner at Al’s Oasis tonight. They are famous for their pies. My grilled cheese sandwich, onion rings and a trip to the salad bar was okay. Nothing to rave about. The apple pie with ice-cream was good.
 A view from Interstate 90 of the mighty Missouri River as one enters Oacoma.

My appeal today is for the annual “Baskets for a Cure”. This will be in the LCGH lobby on October 16 and 17. 

All the proceeds from these baskets go to the Fund for Hope, which helps with incidental costs for anyone in Lewis County who is battling cancer.

Please contact Elsie McElhearn at or call her at 315-346-6160. Or call Hope Scouten at 315-376-5227 or email her at

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