Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 26, Clear Lake, IA to West Union, IA

Today I rode 91 miles in a little under 7 hours from Clear Lake, IA to West Union, IA.
We again started our day by riding straight into the rising sun.
The Marble Rock, Iowa monument honors veterans and “spouses who endured and children who went without.” 
Cindy, Russ and their tandem bicycle.
We saw a large number of grasshoppers along the roadside in Minnesota and Iowa. Learn about the grasshopper plagues, 1873-1877 here.

Although developed from the M48 Patton, the M60 series was never officially classified as a Patton tank, but as a "product-improved descendant" of the Patton series.
This tank is on display at the Veterans’ Park in Nashua, Iowa. Learn more about the M60A3 here.
Tonight is my last night in Iowa. Tomorrow I cross the mighty Mississippi and enter the state of Wisconsin.

Our Veterans deserve the best for defending the freedoms that we hold so dearly. If you feel in your heart that you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please click here.

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