Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 34, Rossford, OH to Cleveland, OH

 Today I rode 130.68 miles between Rossford, OH and Cleveland, OH.
I want to recognize one of the guides Scott Heather. The titanium frame for my photochromatic glasses broke a couple of days ago. This could have been metal fatigue after repeated bending and straightening for nearly 3 years. Scott very deftly has rigged up a skeleton frame to hold my glasses. This has made a big difference in my ability to see where I am riding. I commend Scott on his remarkable engineering skills and remain indebted to him.
We had a delayed start today because of very thick fog reducing visibility and increasing risk. Part of the way this morning, we had Officer Mitchell escort us in a Sheriff’s Department vehicle with lights flashing holding other vehicles back to allow us safe passage. We felt that that was a very thoughtful gesture which did not go unappreciated. Our lead guide Dave gave us a brief talk before the start on how to minimize risk of injury in these road conditions. Every nerve fiber in my body today morning was on high alert until the fog burned up. Learn more about fog here. The water droplets condensed over our helmets and poured down on to the glasses which already were fogging up from the high moisture content in the air. I was glad for the warm temperature which kept us all from becoming hypothermic.
A duck crossing is either a designated place for ducks to cross a road or an informal route based on the creatures' instincts.
And finally, after a demanding 130-mile ride, I entered downtown Cleveland. 
We rode on Valley Parkway through Rocky River Reservation. Today we rode around 40 miles on dedicated bicycle paths including the North Coast Inland Trail which were such a relief as against battling motorized traffic on the usual roads.
A fitting end to such a wonderful day was a stroll along the Erie Lakefront. 

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